
  • Upcoming S-Risk parameter changes

    Earlier today, S-Risk was updated to version 1.3.
    This version introduces important parameter changes for ingestion and chlorinated compounds, so make sure to check the Release notes for full details.


  • Upcoming S-Risk parameter changes

    S-Risk will soon be updated to version 1.3, which contains a number of important parameter changes. The changes mainly concern:
    -changes to soil ingestion parameters, switching to P60 values instead of the current P95 values
    -changes to risk parameter for chlorinated compounds
    The release is currently planned to go online in May 2019.


  • Wal substance data sheet updated (metals)

    On our Documents page, you can find an updated version of the WAL substance data sheet for metals.


  • Wal substance data sheet updated (chlorinated)

    On our Documents page, you can find an updated version of the WAL substance data sheet for chlorinated substances.


  • S-Risk updated to 1.2.5

    Today, a new release of S-Risk (version 1.2.5) was made available online. More information about the modifications done can be found in our Release note.
    We advise you to carefully read this note as some adjustments made to S-Risk, might affect your simulations! When having questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
    See the the release notes


  • User manual updated

    The S-Risk user manual has been updated to reflect the latest changes introduced with S-Risk 1.2.3 and 1.2.4. You can find English and Dutch versions on our Documents page.


  • Update FAQ entries

    We have updated the following FAQ entries :
    -How to simulate the presence of a paved surface?
    -What are the browser or network requirements for running S-Risk?


  • S-Risk updated to 1.2.4

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.2.4. This is an interim release containing a model bugfix and improvements to optimize network traffic to the S-Risk servers

    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.2.3

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.2.3, introducing some minor improvements & fixes.

    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.2.2

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.2.2. More details can be found on our Release notes page.
    The implemented items will be evaluated by us after two weeks. Feedback from you during this period is highly appreciated!
    See the the release notes


  • Documents page updated

    On our Documents page, you can find updated versions of:
    -The S-Risk user manual to reflect the latest changes introduced with S-Risk 1.2.2 (both English and Dutch version);
    -The FL/BRX substance data sheets (both English and Dutch versions).
    Furthermore, the following documents applicable to the Walloon version of S-Risk have been made available:
    -The Technical Guidance Document and its Annex III (English version);
    -The WAL substance data sheets (English version).


  • Update FAQ entry

    We have updated the following FAQ entry:
    -Why do mercury, copper, nickel, zinc and lead simulations sometimes give counterintuitive results?


  • Technical guidance and annex updated

    The Technical Guidance Document of the S-Risk model and its Annex have been updated. You can find the new versions on our Documents page.


  • Ordering Walloon S-Risk accounts

    TOrdering S-Risk accounts applicable to the Walloon region is now possible. More information about prices and how to order them can be found on our Registration page. Walloon accounts will be created and activated as soon as the official starting date of S-Risk in Wallonia is known.


  • User manual updated

    The S-Risk user manual has been updated to reflect the latest changes introduced with S-Risk 1.2.1. You can find English and Dutch versions on our Documents page.


  • S-Risk updated version 1.2.1

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.2.1. This release introduces a new, much-requested archiving feature, and a range of backend changes to enable the use of S-Risk in the Walloon region. A considerable number of generic S-Risk issues were fixed and improved as well.
    See the the release notes


  • Technical guidance and annex updated

    The Technical Guidance Document of the S-Risk model and its Annex have been updated. You can find the new versions on our Documents page.


  • S-Risk user agreement updated

    As from December 12, 2016, the S-Risk licence and invoice system will be automated more. Therefore, the user agreement had to be revised and updated. The new version of this agreement can be found on our Registration page. Additional information will follow soon.


  • New FAQ entries

    We have added two more FAQ entries, based on the feedback we have received via the S-Risk helpdesk:
    -Why does my simulation take so long to calculate?
    -How to choose the appropriate soil type?


  • New and updated FAQ entries

    We have added more FAQ entries and updated existing ones, based on the feedback we have received via the S-Risk helpdesk.
    FAQ entries updated :
    -Why does S-Risk give a warning message for a calculated critical concentration in application I or III? (replaces “Why does S-Risk sometimes fail to find critical soil concentrations?”)
    -What are the browser or network requirements for running S-Risk?
    -How to simulate the presence of a paved surface?
    -Why can’t I customize the properties for copper, nickel, mercury, zinc or lead?
    New FAQ entries :
    -Why do RI (or ExCR) and CI results differ for volatile substances?
    -How to deal with a contamination that is only partially situated below a building?
    -Why do mercury, copper, nickel and lead simulations sometimes give counterintuitive results?


  • User manual updated

    The S-Risk user manual has been updated to reflect the latest changes introduced with S-Risk 1.1.5. You can find English and Dutch versions on our Documents page.


  • S-Risk updated to version 1.1.5

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.1.5. This release introduces a major overhaul of the calculation backend for applications I and III and a number of fixes and improvements in reports and user interface.

    See the the release notes


  • Substance data sheets available in English

    The substance data sheets are now available in English. See our Documents page for the relevant links!


  • S-Risk updated to 1.1.4

    The S-Risk user manual has been updated to reflect the latest changes introduced with S-Risk 1.2.1. You can find English and Dutch versions on our Documents page.

    See the the release notes


  • New and updated FAQ entries

    We have added more FAQ entries and updated existing ones, based on the feedback we have received via the S-Risk helpdesk.
    FAQ entry updated:
    -How do we cope with a crawlspace with a conctrete floor ?
    New FAQ entries:
    -How does S-Risk deal with concentrations exceeding solubility?
    -Which parameters do I have to provide when adding a new chemical?


  • User manual updated

    The S-Risk user manual has been updated and can be found on our Documents page, in English and Dutch. Typos and inconsistencies have been corrected and we included new content on the features introduced by S-Risk 1.1.


  • S-Risk updated to 1.0.11

    S-Risk has been updated to version 1.0.11. For an overview of the changes in this release.
    See the the release notes


  • Technical guidance document has been updated

    The updated Technical Guidance Document can be found here.


  • New FAQ added

    A new entry was added to our FAQ page, explaining why certain metals can not be customized:
    -Why can’t I customize the properties for copper, nickel, mercury, zinc or lead?


  • FAQ updates

    Two of our Frequently Asked Questions have been revised and updated, and a new one added:
    -How to interpret the results of the risk table of application II (RI, ExCR, pRI and CI values)?
    -How to model the situation of a basement in contact with groundwater?
    -How to simulate the presence of a paved surface?
    Explanations have been adjusted and extended, and a new, more efficient workaround for a basement in contact with groundwater has been formulated. The FAQ content was discussed and developed in close collaboration with VEB and OVAM.


  • S-Risk license agreement updated

    The S-Risk license agreement has been revised and updated, in order to make it more suitable with regard to the use of S-Risk in an interregional or international context. The new license agreement will be applicable to all new S-Risk licenses. For existing licensees, the old license agreement remains in effect.
    These adjustments do not affect or change the S-Risk operational service in any way.


  • S-Risk updated to 1.1.3

    Yesterday, S-Risk has been updated to version 1.1.3. This release resolves a number of issues with the new features introduced in 1.1.0 and some other minor adjustments.
    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.1.0

    This morning, S-Risk has been updated to 1.1.0. This is a major release introducing two new features, the summary report and batch simulation of concentration ranges.
    We are still in the process of updating the S-Risk user guide to document these features, but the Release notes describe their basic functioning.
    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.0.10

    S-Risk has been updated to version 1.0.10. Please pay attention to the release notes for this release, since it applies changes in parameter values for certain parameters important to volatilization to indoor air.

    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.0.9

    S-Risk has been updated to version 1.0.9. For an overview of the changes in this release.
    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.0.8

    S-Risk has been updated to version 1.0.8. For an overview of the changes in this release.
    See the the release notes


  • S-Risk updated to 1.0.7

    S-Risk has been updated to version 1.0.7. For an overview of the changes in this release.
    See the the release notes


  • Demo licenses available on request

    S-Risk demo licenses are now available on request. Head over to the "Demo licenses" page for more details.


  • S-Risk 1.0 available

    Today, we announce the availability of S-Risk 1.0 - a web-based application for contaminated sites risk assessment. You can read more on S-Risk and its background in "About S-Risk", or register for a license via our Registration page.
    We hope to hear your feedback and look forward to help you with your contaminated soil projects.
